Wednesday, October 28, 2009

...tribute to Jenny Gordy (slide show)...

...tribute to Jenny Gordy...

Jenny Gordy.Wikstenmade.A 28th years old wife of an urologist.A beautiful eye and sexy lips owner.A sewing and knitting addict.A fashion stylist.An inspiration to me.

This post is about Jenny and how she inspirated me though still I don't have time for sewing.

I met Jenny in the early 2008 on the internet. I was just browsing around that time, trying to find some stuffs that may fit in me for the rest of the year and for some occasions I had to attend. I was so boring with the stuffs I have inside my closet. Everything seems too old and no more comfortable to wear. I'm not a fashion addict a.k.a trend follower. I wear stuffs that i feel comfortable with even if they are mom or grandma's a.k.a old... I also take less care of brand...especially the popular ones. But I do care for price. I can shop all day just to find the looking-expensive-but-cheaper-and-wonderful stuffs.

When I first saw Jenny's blog, her writings, her photos, her collections, my heart fluttered...I fell in love. On her products, on her way in expressing her circumstances, on her way in designing her world (blog, shop, website, even the house), on her way of thinking. I totally fell in love with this girl.

But,,because I didn't have much time to come online during my med school rotation, I wasn't update about her and her collections start from the end of 2008 till now. Now that I get holidays for pretty long time, I can pay much attention on what's left behind...and whoa!! I left so much!!

The more I open the new page,,reading and watching her stuffs,,the more I regret that I should put a little more time on it between my hectic days before...

Everytime I look into her collection,,her world,,I feel like 'O my God I want to sew!' but I know I can't. Again time fails me

All I can do is trying to make some ideas from her ideas. How? You'll see the result!!

Thanks Jenny! you make my days,,,bring my spirit back,,,keeping me creative,,,I love you!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

dari neraka SEBELOM ke neraka selanjutnya

Beuuhh,,,bentar lagi ujian panum malezzz bwangedd blajarr

Udah keenakan lepas dari kejaran nenek lampir,,udah keenakan lepas dari rutinitas membosankan ala koas which are : bangun-ganti baju *iklim wsb kelewat dingin bwt masukin 'mandi pagi' dlm rutinitas sehari2 * ke RS-foloup-nungguin visit-dikata2in-mbabuw-pulang-garap refrat,bst,presus-molorrrrr

Keitung mule dari seminggu sebelom lebaran...berarti udah hampir sebulan gue nganggurrrr!!! hahahahahahahhh...menyenangkan!

Liburanku diisi dgn berbagai hal yg jungkir balik...
Yg bikin seneng ada, sedih ada, plain ada, kecewa ada...

Yg bikin seneng :
1. I got moreee high quality time to spend together with him

2. Got more quality time to spend together with fam also, which made me more easier in taking care of Mom ;)

3. makin sering ketemu D 3 B,,jadi sering makan brg,,dixie udah,steak udah,,sekarang qt lg pgn sushiii

oiyeh,,ngemengin bout 3 imbisil ituw,,si bino-hippo udah 5 bulan ngantongin kudanil juniornya,,katanye beratnya udah 3 ons..!

reaksi kita pas denger ceritanye bino: "apeh bin?? 3 ons?? tapi perutmu koq kaya bawa beban 3 ton gedenye??? ngahahahahahahh"
bino : "asem..."

yeps..begitulah,,ibu hamil atuw ituw emang unik,,hamil ky gak hamil..dari bentukannye,,secara dy udah gendut bulet jadi mo hamil gajah juga gak bakal keliatan...ngahahahahahh..
trus jugak,,bino blg dia gak nyidam and gak pernah mual sedikit pun sejak awal hamil..kinda strange..

selaen nggosip brg-boloz kul brg-makan brg-maen brg 3 imbisil ituw *4 denk, ame topan* hari2qu cuma dipenuhi oleh ngenet ngenet dan ngenet..ape aje..mule dari streaming pelm2 horror thailand, korean drama, taiwan drama, mantengin gossip girl season 2 yg ampe skarang lum kelar2 gue tonton, ampe ngebacain berita2 di yahoo.
seru?? seru donk,,bagi pengangguran sementara kayak gue,,internet begitu berarti dlm hidup inih dlm 24 jam gue idup, kira2 80%nya gue bermaya ria..hehehh..

kalo dirangkum,,kira2 skedul gue berubah 180 derajat dari yg udah disebutin diatas sonoh jadi kayak gini nih:
1. bangun jam 5
2. subuhan
3. molor lagi ampe jam 7
4. doing some small exercise
5. turun menggerayangi dapur,kulkas,lemari makan
6. menuhin perut sambil nonton insert pagi
7. mandi jam 8 *inget,ini CUMA kalo gw berpikiran 'owh,hari yg cerah,mengapa tdk kucoba berpetualang diluar!'*
8. klo gak ngeluyur berarti gue ngenet ngenet dan ngeneeeeeeet teroz ampe mejret jam 4 sore...baru deh mandi
begitulah,,dengan perulangan jadwal pada mlm harinya a.k.a habis mkn mlm gue ngenet lagi ampe midnight trus molor.

but between these heavenly life I live lately,,gue juga sedih...keluarga besar gue sdg berduka. Bwt Pakdhe yang kami sayangi,,semoga Allah memudahkan jalanmu dan menempatkanmu di tempat yang indah diatas sana... ;)

Selaen feeling happy and sad,,gue juga kinda dissapointed b'cuz both of us (pinnaple and orange) are yes we both sick,,dan kita pun melakukan kedodolan2 yang tidak bisa disebutkan disini krn terlalu keterlaluan sehingga menyebabkan kantong kita makin kering gatot deh traveling brg around jogja

there! my life lately in a blast...just like a roller coaster

Lost Feeling...

I was yesterday night,,for a weird reason...missing someone badly...

I thought I would never felt this kind of feeling anymore,,the feeling of missing someone badly until I shed my tears...ever since I keep my self not to cry for someone in any case (missing, hating) especially boys...

But I was wrong...
There I admit...the saying is right...

"confidence is the feeling you have, just before you understand the situation"


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

From the beginning (again)

I have to start again. With a brand new one. Something I never thought I would made it. A new Blog.
B'cuz it feels crowded inside. I think I'm gonna blow up.

So yes, here I come again. With a new look. New stories.

The old one is damaged. It crushed into pieces. But still, those are the pieces of my life. I won't regret. I won't erase.

Welcome life! Hit me! ;)