Thursday, March 31, 2011

Special for My Beloved

I found this blog. I never think there would be a human who dedicate his or her time writing a blog for their pet. But I found this family and I've been touched. I love the way they love their pets. Reading their blog makes me feel that I'm not alone. I'm a kind of person who love animal so much that I can spend most of my free time with them. Recently I lost one of my cat. A baby named Unyu. She died in an accident. It was an awful experience for me, a very dramatic tragedy, a very hard times. I'll put some notes from this blog, notes that reminds me of her, makes me realize that she is happy up there waiting for me to come and play again someday...

Note from heaven:
"I know in time that you will see, the kindness that you did for me. Although my tail its last has waved, from pain and suffering I've been saved."

What is a cat?
Gentle eyes... that see so much... paws that have... the quiet touch... Purrs to signal... "all is well"... and show more love... than words can tell... Graceful movements... touched with pride,... a calming presence... by our side... A friendship... that will last and grow-small wonder why we love them so.