Pardon my timing on posting, because I wrote this last sat nite but I couldn't post it at the same time so...
This is like the ten-thousand-and-whatever sat nite I enjoy alone at home. Yes, i'm home alone (again). Parents went to shop and little sista went for doing the youth things which are dinner at the famous local cafe with some friends look for a cute looking guy to make fun of. Yeah, that times...been thru it..
Now here I am finding my self writing such weird stuff. Off the bubbling. So I found that pic on tumblr. It was from
Delilah's blog. It captured my eyes. Simple but yeah, that's the thing that always happen to me almost every night.
Jump off to another topic!
So these days are (finnally) my free days. I got almost a month to rest my mind from hectic things allied to uni and stuffs. Some of my friends use these days to make money from secretly working at clinics, some more prefer to hold a wedding. I am far from that, I prefer to sit everyday infront of my purplylappy doing my writing to gain some money, not much but as long as I can deposit them to my bank account then that's enough for me.
Ok, speaking of wedding, three days ago one of my bestie was married. She choose to be a wife at 24. Well, that's normal but since we are friends for almost more then ten years, we grew up together, I feel that we are still little girls. Well, she looks so happy that day. I went on the occasion with my other bestie. After the wedding ceremony over, we went to grab some ice cream. It was sunny day, water or tea from the party were not enough for our thirst, we need ice cream! something more cooling...

Well, beside chillin out with green tea and three colours ice cream, we had a chit chat about marriage in our perception. Mostly we have the same opinion that marriage is very sacred and we don't wanna ruin them just because of love. Yeah, I think this five words is cruel to us as woman. Woman tend to fall in love easily to a man whose mastering 'seduction technique'. As woman, we should remember that every man was created with the ability to seduce woman, so it's not a big deal for them to do that even if they never done that before! They only need sometime to refresh their skill then whalaa! They melt you...
It's not that if they can fullfiling your need of attention then they are fall in love with you 100 %. No, it's not like that, woman. Man are just man. A creation of God who brought to us as a completion for the half of our biologycally social reproductive needs. Just like us to them. So for that, I prefer to choose the best seed, because from the best for the best. Seed here doesn't only mean the sperm they bring to our ovum, but also their inner personality and way thingking, especially for some detail dealing with life ahead, dealing with me, dealing with our marriage, our family. That was one of my way on thinking about marrying someone.
Off to another topic again...I guess it's my longest post in these several month *sigh*
Lately I design a dress to wear for a medical conference next saturday. Since the conference is the requirement for my graduation, each of us got 2 meters of Batik cloth to wear as a uniform but they allowed us to wear it in different models. So I keep brain storming about what kind of model that suit best. I end up designing a medium batik baloon dress. You can see the result here
The Longest Post Ended.